Why Do I Keep Seeing ‘Requires Approval’ In My Amazon Seller App?

As a new seller on Amazon, you will be restricted from selling certain brands until your account has a good sales history.

Amazon like to partner with serious sellers and not your average person trying to make a quick bit of cash by selling online.

So understandably, Amazon have put in place some barriers to avoid poor sellers which ultimately means bad business for Amazon.

In the Amazon industry, we call this barrier ‘gated’. Think of it like a locked padlock and we need to get ‘ungated’ in order to be allowed to sell a certain brand on Amazon.

Don’t be put off by the thought of needing to get ‘ungated’ for certain brands. The more sales you make, the more Amazon will begin to trust you as a seller and as a reward, they will automatically ‘ungate’ you for certain categories or brands.

Some bigger brands such as Mattel, Nintendo, Playstation, Lego, and Sony will require you to get ‘manually ungated’.

This means you need to purchase a set number of one particular item as a wholesaler and submit an invoice to Amazon to prove that you have purchased from a legitimate manufacturer.

There is a vast amount of information on the internet about getting ‘ungated’ on Amazon.

One book that explains it all is called ‘Get Me Ungated’ by Josh Garrod.

The book itself FREE – all you need to do is pay for the shipping and handling costs.

If you purchase the book, you will also get the opportunity to access to Josh’s free ‘Get Me Ungated’ video training and other bonuses. I highly recommend this book to all Amazon sellers; new and old.

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