What Is Amazon Private Label Selling?

Private Label is for people who have invented a completely new product (never been done before).


Find a best selling product, put your own twist on it with new features and set about getting it produced. 

Most Private Label sellers source products from countries abroad (China or India) as it is cheaper then producing in the UK or USA.

They then have to negotiate prototypes, cost per unit, packaging, shipping, customs, inspections and finally get them sent to the Amazon Warehouses.  

Private Label requires the largest investment and you are not guaranteed to sell your product. The market might not be ready for your ideas, so it can be a risky strategy.

As a private label seller, you’d need to do a lot of market research to find a good selling product.

There are different software options available that you can use to do in depth product research.

Many have the ability to research key words and volume of searches, so Private Label sellers can make informed decisions on which products they want to pursue. 

Private Label selling is also a great way to own your own Brand. You can register as a Brand on Amazon and even have your own Brand page that you can drive traffic too.

You can also pay for Amazon advertising which promotes your products to the top of the Amazon search page for maximum exposure.

Registering as a Brand can also prevent other sellers from copying your products.   

If Private Label sounds like the path you want to take but you have no idea where to start, there are lots of courses available.

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